Winter Hymn
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:27 p.m.
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A Pagan Storm
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This is the nature�s
Cold and powerful skin
This is my unique ode
My winter hymn
Deep in the forest
I am still alive
Cold winds are blowing
Fast trough the night
I�m in the forest
So deep and alone
The snow is sparkling
In the white moonlight
Oh Mother Nature
A wolf is coming home
All the tress tower
Above me so high
And I am surrounded
By the mountains
I feel the pureness
Of the winter�s ice
Embraced from
Wilderness and silence
This is the nature�s
Cold and powerful skin
Comes this night
This is my unique ode
My winter hymn
Deep in the forest
I am still alive
Ein Wolf streift durch die eiskalte Nacht
Zu entfachen ein Feuer, Ein Feuer st�rker
Als es jemals ward gebracht
Weil es von G�tterhand gemacht
Diese Flammen brennen
So heiss und so stark
Schliessen dich ein mit ihrer Kraft
Sie werden dich fesseln mit ihrer
Sch�nheit und Macht
Bis sie dir die Freiheit verschafft
All my thoughts I leave free run
I�m surrounded by the mountains
So high and wonderful they guide me
Trough the path of my
Inner pacification
The sun is slowly disappearing
All is covered deep red like blood
I feel the world is going to change the face
Back to the roots of our old gods
This is the nature�s cold and powerful skin
Consecration comes this night
This is my unique ode my winter hymn
Deep in the forest I am still alive
Cold is the wind and the snow in this night
Embrace my heart with pure ice
The Blood is running cold trough my veins
And I lift up my mind to Valhalla